Learn High-end korean

So easy and fast

Welcome, Beginners!

You can read Korean,
but you're lost as to where to go further?

Here you can master Korean much faster than by learning through watching K-drama.

News articles SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR KOREAN BEGINNERS will elevate your vocabulary and high-end expression.

Are you ready to surprise everyone in 20 days?

how can I rapidly improve my korean skill?

The Secret to Rapid Success

A single, well-structured sentence can unlock a world of linguistic possibilities.

  1. Acquire a sentence example

    e.g. 이 쿠키달아요. - This cookie is sweet.

    이 (This), 쿠키는 (Cookie is), 달아요. (Sweet)

  2. Learn words

    e.g. 강아지 (Puppy or dog), 귀여워요 (Cute), 기차 (Train), 길어요 (Long)

  3. Combine the structure and words to create hundreds of varioations!

    e.g. 1. 이 강아지귀여워요 (This dog is cute.)

    e.g. 2. 이 기차길어요 (This train is long.)

Things you can expect at 뉴스코

“Using well refiend vocabulary”

— From basic words to high-end words

“From casual conversation, to the professional and business”

— How you speak is who you are

“speaking Intellectually
and polished”

— Elevate your quality

“Deeply understanding nuance differences”

— Quality comes from details

can you read 한글?
then Let me help you to go further!